Can You Hear the Shōryūken? Update 0.8.1

Half of the the world is in quarantine, and we hope this situation will pass over soon. The CFC Team is in that part of the world which is confined at home, but what allows us to spend more time in the development of the game.

Hence it comes a new update that fixes the behaviour of some cards (the so called automations), adds small improvements to game play, and the two most notorious changes: game sound effects and new color for Character cards!

The Sound of the Fight

Firstly, what is important for your hearing. Sound effect has been added to all common actions you can do in the game (draw card, play card, shuffle, etc.), enhancing the game experience and it feels now a bit more solid.

To enable in-game sounds, you need to be an OCTGN subscriber. OCTGN is free, but your support will allow OCTGN developers to keep improving the software and pay the bills of the servers that allow us to play online.

New Character Color

Some players noticed that Character and Action card could be confused due to the background color similitude. To enhance legibility, we have changed Character card color from Capcom orange to SNK blue.

New Character card background color
Old Sakura and new Sakura

It does not mean that Capcom and SNK Playmore characters will have a distinctive color like in the original videogame. All Characters cards will receive this update.

Don’t forget to drop us a line with your thoughts!

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